Inspirational Quotes About Weight Loss

Inspirational Quotes About Weight Loss to Keep You Motivated

Weight loss can be hard, especially if you’re doing it on your own. To stay focused and motivated, having quotes and sayings to inspire you along the way can make all the difference in keeping your goals in sight. 

Below are eight of the most inspirational quotes about weight loss that will keep you moving towards success! Take some time to read them, learn from them, and reflect on their meaning as you’re doing your best to lose weight the right way!

Inspirational Quotes About Weight Loss

Inspirational Quotes About Weight Loss to Keep You Motivated

So, you’re working hard on your weight loss journey, but it can be difficult. Sometimes you need a little motivation to keep going. Here are some great quotes that will inspire you to take action and keep pushing toward your goal. Remember: Success is never final—failure is never fatal. Only action counts. Follow these motivational weight loss quotes to help you stay focused on losing weight. 

1. Successful weight loss requires careful diet, exercise, and behavior modification. —Linda Bacon 

2. Success is doing what you love so much that money comes naturally as a side effect. —Bryan & Malia Grenfell 

3. The best way to make sure something gets done is to start doing it yourself! That's how America was built in its early pioneers who took charge of their own destinies! —James Michael Sama 

4. Weight loss isn't about becoming better than someone else; it's about becoming better than you used to be. —Jim Rohn 

5. If we all did the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. —Thomas Edison 

6. We gain strength and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we think we cannot do.—Eleanor Roosevelt 

7. It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up. —Vince Lombardi 

8. Weight loss doesn't have to be complicated or torturous. It just takes discipline and consistency over time. —Jason Fung  

 9. If you want to make changes, start with your own thoughts. Thoughts are like fleas; they jump from one animal to another. —Marianne Williamson 

10. I'm not interested in how I would feel if I lost weight, what interests me is how I would feel if I stayed exactly as I am right now. —Anna Thomas 

11. Losing weight and getting in shape should be fun—and it should fit into your life! If you enjoy what you're doing, then you won't dread exercise or think of it as a punishment—you'll look forward to it! —Adriana Lima 

12. A healthy body makes a healthy mind.—Plato 

13. The best way to lose weight is to close your mouth—something very difficult for a politician. Or watch your food—just watch it, don't eat it. —Edward I Kock 

14. Successful weight loss requires careful diet, exercise, and behavior modification.—Linda Bacon 

15. Weight loss doesn't have to be complicated or torturous. It just takes discipline and consistency over time. —Jason Fung 

16. Weight loss isn't about becoming better than someone else; it's about becoming better than you used to be. —Jim Rohn 

17. Exercise isn't everything, but it's pretty close. There are a lot of things that will help you lose weight (like counting calories), but there's no substitute for burning off more calories than you take in by eating less and exercising more.—Dr. OZ 

18. Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.—Anonymous 

19. Weight loss isn't about becoming better than someone else; it's about becoming better than you used to be.—Jim Rohn 

20. Weight loss is 80 percent behavior and 20 percent head knowledge.—John Berardi 

21. Weight loss isn't about becoming better than someone else; it's about becoming better than you used to be.—Jim Rohn 

A healthy body makes a healthy mind.—Plato 

Before you lose weight, change your belief

Weight loss is never easy, and it usually requires a combination of healthy eating and exercise. But sometimes all that’s in your way is your belief that you can’t lose weight—the obstacle in your mind becomes more important than what’s actually happening in front of you. Instead of letting an unchangeable mental barrier hold you back, believe that weight loss is possible for you! 

Start by reading these inspirational quotes about weight loss. These quotes are sure to inspire you on your journey toward a healthier lifestyle. If you have trouble believing that weight loss is possible for you, try looking at things from a different perspective: don’t focus on losing weight; instead, think about getting fit. Getting fit will make you feel better physically and mentally, which might help reduce some of those cravings that are holding you back from weight loss success. If dieting doesn’t work for you, consider trying something new like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig.

Find a program that works for you, and watch how quickly your mindset changes when you start seeing results. Once you see weight loss happening, there’s no going back! Weight loss is possible for anyone who wants it badly enough. It may not be easy, but with these motivational quotes as inspiration, losing weight has never been easier. What motivates you? Share your favorite motivational quote with us in the comments below!

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